In celebration of Women’s History Month, I spoke with some DeltaTrak customers in the produce industry to get their thoughts on issues affecting women, and the supply chain. Kim A. is the distribution manager for CrunchPak and Lisa M. is a shipping clerk with Gebber’s Farms. I was impressed with the fact that both women are long-term employees with their respective companies. They both seem to genuinely enjoy their roles. Both women are mothers, and spoke about being fortunate to have the flexibility they need to manage their lives. It was awesome to hear this, because everyone knows work-life balance is often hard to achieve.
It’s impossible to read an article today whether it is related to food safety and transportation, or even the drug supply chain, without seeing a mention of Block Chain somewhere on the page, or within the article. It is almost like a new era for the Internet and any other data “carrier” service, but we are assured by the “experts” that it will power the Internet of Things (IOT), and potentially will open doors to many other logistics services applications.